Lurk around

mardi 28 avril 2015

Basic boring T-shirt

Yes, basic, BUT, the pattern has been drafted by yours truly and I can't believe that i managed to pattern something at all !

This giant strawberry is for real, but look at the t-shirt : I made that !

I got a whim a sunday afternoon at 6 pm to make a t-shirt with some cheap but rad knit I had bought the previous week.
My favorite shade of blue-grey and fun tears for only 3€/meter

A quick lurk in my stash of patterns made it clear that I had no readily traced T-shirt pattern that fit(no way I'm tracing from a Burda Style ever again, unless it's a pink one). I had a basic slopper knit for my bust that I  made with the help of Suzy Furer, i just needed some sleeves.
As my weight fluctuates, it's my weight that I put on my patterns and sloppers rather than the date.
And so, with Mrs Furer's excellent class on Craftsy again, I drafted the sleeves.
I must say that, sleeves for knits are way easier to draft than sleeves made of woven fabric. I'm still so happy to have been able to make something that fits me to a T.
Pretty sleeve cap, how I'm proud of you !
So the sleeves were drafted and the only modification made to the slopper was at the neck line . I needed to be able to put my head through it and wanted a V neck of sort. Seam allowances also needed to be added as you don't put them on sloppers. It is customary to add 1cm (3/4") of seam allowances to patterns for knit.
It was by then time for me to go to bed, but the next day, the t-shirt was cut and sewn in no time at  all !
What's with all that strawberries eating !
And even though I sort of really don't like this t-shirt in those pictures, I really like it in real life. It is the first t-shirt I have whose shoulders fit me ! Oh, in real life, the t-shirt hemline is straight too, trust me.
I now have a TnT t-shirt pattern that I can use for different variations if the evening urge for sewing something other than my WIP comes back again. Which I know it will.
I'm also slowly building up my confidence in drafting my own patterns. SLOWLY !

Do you find good knitting fabric easily in your part of the world, or do you have to order it on line ?

4 commentaires:

  1. A really beautiful T-shirt in a lovely colour!!...and it suited your skirt as well.
    I really loved the tissue; this one goes for a party as well the jeans!

    1. Merci Tovepia ! Et puis, maintenant que j'ai un patron bien à ma taille, j'espère pouvoir me faire d'autres t-shits dans d'autres tissus. J'aime les tissus rayés en ce moment !
      Bon tricot à toi !

  2. Simple mais efficace. Le tissu n'en réclamait pas plus pour être mis en valeur. J'adore la première photo. Vive les fraises!

    1. Merci Turlutut ! C'est un patron de base mais je n'ai plus beaucoup de t-shirt en ce moment alors, je pense que ce patron va beaucoup servir. Bonne couture à toi et bonnes fraise aussi !


bienvenue !